Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Little glimpses of promise

Today I potted out my courgettes, balmoral squash, pumpkin squash and lupin seedlings. I realised they looked a little worse for wear because they were trying to do their thing still potted in seed compost. One thing I learned recently is that seed compost has very little nutrients in it. I thought it would be the complete opposite, but seeds do not need much in the way of food to germinate. I'm hoping that now they have been bedded in rich compost they will perk up. Here they are in their new home in the greenhouse.

Other productive things are going on in there as well! I dug out one of my 'sweet olive, tomato plants from the ground bed in the greenhouse as they don't appear to get much direct sunlight in there. On the benches in the greenhouse seems to be the best spot for sunlight. It's looking much healthier now.

I'm considering relocating all of my tomatoes to stand the best chances of a bumper crop. They are receiving regular feeds, but don't seem to be doing much.

I've also been a tad concerned about my pumpkin plants. I adore pumpkin, and the thought of a basket of gnarly looking squash this autumn fills me with excitement, so to lose them would be very upsetting. They need planting out in the raised beds, but we still stand a chance of frost so I'm keeping them pot bound. Not that they seem to like that much either. To my amazement, I found this little baby today!

One thing I cannot deny has been a success is my potato crop. Look at this veritable Forrest of them.

People may well be getting baskets of potatoes from me for Christmas this year!

The rest of the garden looks stunning. Here are a few glimpses...